no child
should ever 

go hungry

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A catastrophic food crisis is unfolding across the Horn of Africa. Malnutrition levels have reached an all-time high, with 1.5 million children who urgently need treatment for life-threatening malnutrition.

Hunger hurts a child’s whole world. It hurts when severe hunger breaks down your muscles, weakens your immune system and damages your organs. But this is preventable. Please donate now to help children in the Horn of Africa and across the world.

Your $105 gift could treat THREE acutely malnourished children in an outpatient treatment center.

Choose your gift type in USD and save a child.

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Paypal
Your donation is processed securely

Why is this happening again?

The situation in the region is devastating. Extreme weather conditions, including 3 years of drought, and recent flooding in Somalia and Ethiopia are destroying communities, forcing many to leva their homes in search of food. 21 million people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are facing critical hunger levels, and every 48 seconds, someone loses their life to this preventable cause.

Please, to support children in the Horn of Africa and around the world, make a gift today. 

Donate now and save a child from hunger



Our teams are on the ground, working tirelessly to provide urgent assistance. Donate now and  help us deliver emergency and long-lasting, community-led solutions to hunger.

Severe acute malnutrition (S.A.M.) is a deadly disease, but there is a cure: special milk formula and high-nutrient peanut paste. The treatment for S.A.M. can be devastatingly simple, like an 8-week course of high-nutrient peanut paste which we could provide thanks to your support:

Donate now and save a child from hunger

Your donation could save a life of a child.