ACT NOW: World leaders must stop the war on children

The war on children is raging. Sign our pledge to help protect children in conflicts like Ukraine, Syria and Yemen. 

A record number of children are living in war zones. Every single day they are experiencing unspeakable horrors with devastating and life changing consequences. Bombs destroy children’s homes, hospitals and schools. Their friends are shot and injured. Their families are killed. 

Right now, children in Ukraine are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional distress, and displacement, following an escalation in hostilities. We are urgently calling on all parties to the conflict to agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities, to reduce the risk to children’s lives and wellbeing.  

Children in places like Ukraine, Syria and Yemen are on the frontline of an unprecedented global humanitarian crisis and their right to survival, protection and education is under immediate threat.We need to act now.  

Conflict means hunger, poverty, danger, no healthcare, loss of education, fear. This is the shocking reality for 1 in 6 children around the world whose lives are being torn apart by conflict.  We demand that children caught up in war are given three things: safety, justice and the practical help they need to stay safe and recover.  

While hostilities are ongoing in Ukraine, all actors must adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law, including by ensuring that civilians and civilian objects, especially schools and hospitals, are protected from attack. The use of explosive weapons in populated areas risks severe harm to civilians, especially children, and should be avoided at all costs. 

Nothing kills like conflict. Children are in desperate need of care and protection: we cannot stand by and let them suffer a lifetime of war. 

Will you help us stop the war on children? Sign our pledge:

· World leaders must always uphold international law to protect children in conflict.

· Anyone who commits a war crime against children must be held accountable.

· Children in warzones need practical support on the ground to protect and care for them, and to help them recover.

Join our global movement today to stand with the millions of children in danger. By demanding change from governments, and by supporting Save the Children’s recovery programs helping children on the ground, we can make a practical difference to children’s lives in war zones. 


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